Hydrogen Embrittlement of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Series Alloy with High Zn-content in Humid Air

Toshiaki Manaka*, Mitsuharu Todai* and Mizuki Wada**
*Department of Environmental Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Niihama College
**Regular Course Student, Department of Environmental Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Niihama College

Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys have been known to be sensitive to stress corrosion cracking arisen from hydrogen embrittlement. Suppression of hydrogen embrittlement is very important to develop new high strength aluminum alloys. In the present paper, hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity of Al-10Zn-2.6Mg-1.6Cu-0.2Cr alloy in T6 temper was evaluated by tensile testing at various strain rates in humid air (HA) and dry nitrogen gas (DNG).

Figure 1 shows the strain rate dependence of elongation to failure of the Al-10Zn-2.6Mg-1.6Cu-0.2Cr alloy. In DNG, the elongation does not depend on strain rate, while the elongation in HA decreases with decreasing of a strain rate due to hydrogen embrittlement. At slow strain rate, smooth intergranular fracture caused by hydrogen embrittlement was observed as shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 3 shows variation of the fraction of hydrogen-induced fracture surface in the specimens in HA. Quasi-cleavage fracture caused a loss of elongation at medium strain rates (10-4-10-3s-1), and smooth intergranular cracking degraded ductility at slow strain rates (10-6-10-5s-1). These results indicate that higher content of Zn in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu series alloy increase hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity, and exhibits hydrogen embrittlement even when the strain rate is 10-3s-1.

[Published in International Journal of The Japan Institute of Light Metals, Vol. 68, No. 11 (2018), 615-620]

Fig. 1 The strain rate dependence of the elongation of the Al-10Zn-2.6Mg-1.5Cu-0.2Cr alloy in the T6 temper. Tensile tests were performed in the DNG and HA.
Fig. 2 SEM images showing fracture surfaces of the Al-10Zn-2.6Mg-1.5Cu-0.2Cr alloy tested at a strain rate of 1.3910-6s-1. Test environments: (a) DNG and (b) HA. (a’) and (b’) are magnified view of the white rectangular areas of (a) and (b), respectively.
Fig. 3 Variation of the fraction of hydrogen-induced fracture surface in the Al-10Zn-2.6Mg-1.5Cu-0.2Cr alloy in HA. QCF and SIGF indicate quasi-cleavage fracture and smooth intergranular fracture, respectively.