Metallurgical Asstracts on Light Metal and Alloys



No Index Authors
1 On the Recovery of Dilute Aluminium Alloys. M. Adachi
2 Local Corrosion of the Anode in the Low Temperature Hard Anodizing Process of Aluminium. T. Fukushima
3 On the Feeding Characteristics of Aluminium Alloys (I). K. Hashiura
4 Study of the Pass Schedule in Conventional Spinning. M. Hayama
5 Grain-boundary Segregation of Fe, Co and Ni in Pure Aluminium and its Effects on Mechanical Properties. K. Hirano
6 Age-Hardening of Aluminium-Gold Alloys. K. Hirano
7 Prolonged Ageing of an Aluminium-Zinc-Magnesium Alloy at 100℃. K. Hirano
8 Formation of Metastable Phase in Aluminium-Silver Alloys during Quenching. K. Hirano
9 Effect of Gold Addition on Recrystallization and Grain-growth of Zone-Refined Aluminium. K. Hirano
10 Fatigue Behaviour and Grain Size of Com-mercially Pure Aluminium Plate. S. Hori
11 Precipitation from Supersaturated Al-Mn Solid Solution Solidified Rapidly with Hy-pereutectic Composition. R. Ichikawa
12 Studies of Hyper-eutectic Al-Mn Alloys (IV). The Thermal Stability of Supersaturated Solid Solution of Hyper-eutectic Al-Mn Alloys. R. Ichikawa
13 Studies of Hyper-eutectic Al-Mn Alloys (V). Microsegregation in Quenched (Chilled Cast) Al-Mn Alloys. R. Ichikawa
14 Annealing of Cold-rolled Aluminium Alloys. Application of Trial Formulas to Soft-ening Curves of Al-Cu Alloys. T. Igarashi
15 On the Tensile Properties of Sheets and Foils of Aluminium Circular Diaphragms Subjected to Hydrostatic Pressure (I). S. Inada
16 On the Tensile Properties of Sheet and Foils of Aluminium Circular Diaphragms Subjected to Hydrostatic Pressure (II). S. Inada
17 Portevin Le-Chatelier Effect in Aluminium Alloys. H. Kaieda
18 The Behaviour of Grain Boundary in High Purity Aluminium Bicrystal during the Free Compressive Deformation. M. Kato
19 Cutting Temperature of Aluminium and Other Metals. Studies on Cutting Temperature of Aluminium alloys (I ). K. Kurihara
20 Precipitation in Al-6%Mg-0.5%Ag Alloy. K. Matsuura

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21 Study of Grain Boundary Sliding in Pure Aluminium Bicrystals by Tensile Creep Test at High Temperatures. G. Mima
22 Change in Hardness of Pure Aluminium Bicrystals by Rolling. G. Mima
23 Change in Structure of Pure Aluminium Bicrystals by Rolling. G. Mima
24 On the Two-Stage Ageing of Al-Mg-Si and Al-Zn-Mg Alloys. Y. Murakami
25 Reversion and Reaging in an Al-2at%Zn-2at%Mg Alloy. Y. Murakami
26 On the Two-Stage Ageing of Al-Mg-Si Alloys. Y. Murakami
27 Stability of G.P. Zones in Al-Mg-Si Alloys. Effect of Natural Ageing on Mechanical Properties of Al-l.5%Mg2Si Alloys after Subsequent Artificial Ageing. Y. Ohno
28 On the Elevation of Deep-drawability by Improvement of Textures of Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys. K. Okada
29 A Study on Plastic Bending of an Anisotropic Plate. K. Saito
30 Effects of Tensile Speed on the Deforma-bility of Sheet Metals. J. Seino
31 The Flow of Aluminium on the Surface of Solid Steel and the Effect of Fluxes used in Hot Dipping. F. Seki
32 Structure and Mechanism of Growth of Chemical Conversion (Phosphate-Chro-mate-Fluoride) Films on Aluminium. S. Tajima
33 The Mechanism of the Growth of Boehmite and its Structure. S. Tajima
34 A Study on the Thermal Reduction of Mag-nesium by Metallic Silicon (V). Effects of Additions (III). S. Takagi
35 Motion of Crowdions and the Age-hardening in Deformed FCC Metals at Low Tem-peratures. J. Takamura
36 Quenching from Liquid of Metals and Alloys. J. Takamura
37 Wear Resistance of Anodic Oxide Films on Aluminium by Taber Abraser. S. Ueda
38 Effect of Room-temperature Sealer Con-taining Ferricyanide and Phosphate on Anodic Aluminium Oxide Film. C. Yoshimura
39 The Yield Stress and G.P. Zones of Al-7.0at% Zn Alloy. S. Yoshioka
40 Study on the Mechanism of Cutting Aluminium (I). Some Considerations on the Transi-tional Stage of Cutting process in the Orthogonal Cutting of Aluminium Alloys. S. Zaima

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41 Study on the Mechanism of Cutting Aluminium (II). Some Considerations on the Built-up Edge in Low-speed Machining of Aluminium Alloys. S. Zaima
42 Study on the Mechanism of Cutting Aluminium (III). Observation of the Built-up Edge in the Orthogonal Cutting of Lautal Alloy. S. Zaima
43 Study on the Mechanism of Cutting Aluminium (IV). Some Considerations on Tapping Wrought Aluminium. S. Zaima
44 Study on the Mechanism of Cutting Aluminium (V). On Compression-Torsion Tests of Wrought Aluminium. S. Zaima
45 The Effects of Magnesium on the Machina-bility of Aluminium-Magnesium Cast Alloys. S. Zaima

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